Dayra Foundation for Culture and Art
Dr. Omar Sayed Al-Ahl
In his 1993 article, Samuel Huntington has ignited heated debates on, and disputes over, the theory it presented "The Clash of Civilizations". Disputes took place among policy makers, militants, strategic think tanks and intellectuals in general. His influence upon neo-conservative decision-makers in the United States is well recognized. It may, more or less, be an expression of their pre-set ideas and insights. Huntington's role might have been no more than formulating them in a theoretical academic framework for discussion.
As you may all know, his most well-known quotes include:
The main source of conflict in the modern world will not be basically theological or economic. Conversely, the huge dichotomies among human race and the major source of conflict will depend on the cultural factor.
The nation-states will still be the most powerful agents in the international relations; however, the main conflicts in international policy will take place among the different nations and the diverse civilizations.
International policy will be controlled by the conflict between civilizations, and the disparities between civilizations will form the battle lines in the future.
The cultural differences and disparities, with its wide concept, are to constitute the basic cause of conflict in the 21st century.
But, is Huntington's view truthful in its historic depth? Is it right in terms of our aspirations for the future international regime, and the globalization dominating our modern world, be it accepted or not?
Thinkers and intellects have a crucial role to play in combating such racial theories and destructive ideologies, as did Edward Said and others. Re-reading history, with no prejudice, chauvinism or bias, will definitely constitute an important aspect in anticipating the future, or, at least, formulating the frameworks of future plans, hopes and aspirations.
Says the Moroccan writer Dr. Gamil Hamdawi:
"Most successive civilizations originated along the Mediterranean basin. Thus the Mediterranean is the origin of human civilizations, the meeting point of cultures and the homeland of different nations and races. It is, moreover, the home for combining theories, ideologies, arts and literature, and the place which witnessed the birth of all religions and embraced and nurtured them all. The Mediterranean region had witnessed a flourishing cultural civilization that was diverse in sources, tools, forms and contents. These civilizations and cultures were subject to both the connection/conflict argument, and the openness/isolation argument. The Mediterranean civilization was transformed and distributed among the peoples of the region via cultural interface and civilization connectedness".
The north – south cooperation, and the Euro-Mediterranean collaboration remain a vital necessity, in order to carry on this cultural and civilization connectedness, foster world peace, promote values of tolerance and abolish racism and violence. We ought to enhance the human values within the educational mechanisms in order to direct the future generations towards dialogue, the respect of the other, and the tolerance to civilization differences and cultural diversities.
Let me here quote a paragraph extracted from the diaries of a Swiss lady who had lived in Egypt between 1934 and 1950. Says Ester Zimmerlee - Hartmen:
"We were living in Alexandria during the 1940s, where citizens from many Mediterranean countries inhabited the city. Amongst those were Jews, Syrians, Lebanese, Greeks, Maltese, Armenians, and Italians, in addition to Egyptians of course. While the formal study language was spoken in classrooms, we used to talk, at home, market and beach, in a linguistic mixture of Arabic, Greek, Italian and Armenian, and others; where everybody could almost understand what others said ... this is how Alexandria has accommodated multi-national residents, and exemplified the meanings of racial and religious tolerance "
Thus, Ester Zimmerlee does not accept Huntington's ideas, indeed, she may had not even read his thesis or articles, but her life in Alexandria – Egypt, totally refutes all his hypotheses.
Dayra Foundation for Culture and Arts, is a non-profit organization, which holds the belief that civil work should not be limited to financial charity actions. Just as bodies need food and shelter, hearts and minds are in dire need for thinking, deliberation and knowledge. This is only possible through gathering people instead of isolation; tolerance instead of racism; knowledge instead of ignorance.
At Dayra, we insist that whoever joins us or participates in our activities must accept the other and respect their opinions. We do not allow contempt, bigotry, or intolerance. We never question nationality or religion; we have no priests or passport officers at our gates; we all are the creations of Almighty Allah
I quote from Qura'an 2/285 –" The apostle believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. each one (of them) believeth in God, his angels, his books, and his apostles. we make no distinction (they say) between one and another of his apostle s. and they say: we hear, and we obey: (we seek) thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to thee is the end of all journeys".
I wish readers would find a real joy in this book "Cairo's Belle Epoch", an epoch that was characterized by cultural interaction and civilization integration among the Mediterranean countries, in terms of architecture, writing, press, art, and even fashion.
The European influence upon art and architecture was mainly in cultural terms rather than the rigid buildings. Architecture is known to be a mirror to societal status. It is the reflection of people's norms, traditions, climate, and culture, upon an architect's drawings to create a lively cultural and architectural product, with all the meaning 'life' may encompass. The Great Pyramids, for example, are not the mere stone blocks, but rather a live document through which great history may be read. Every single inscription upon the pyramid stones tells the history of a Pharaoh or a priest; even every blank stone speaks out for the effort undertaken by a family or a worker to make this history.
Finally, I cannot but thank the European Union's mission – our partners in the Action – on the funds they have offered to make this project a living reality.